A Papercut Christmas
Hello from the other side… of the holiday season. It’s 2017 at last and Papercut is eager to start the year fresh with new content and design!
But before we rush off to “build a better web,” we’d like to take a minute to share what we did during our weeklong holiday break. Whether we were traveling to nearby states or watching a galaxy far, far away, we enjoyed our Christmas and hope you did too.
Jason: During our time off, I bought a new jazz guitar and played it a lot. I hiked the Fiery Gizzard Trail with my son. It was like an enchanted forest, really beautiful.
Jenny: I started scavenging my neighbor’s yard for cut bamboo to build a garden trellis. I took my middle school daughter shopping in Atlanta for a new duvet. She found a bug-eyed Beta fish pattern for me to sew. I then spent the rest of break avoiding cooking and grocery shopping at all costs! We raided the pantry and ate lots of ham and beans.
Jamie Ann: I drove to Alabama to spend Christmas with my family. Then, I came back to home to nap and enjoy time off.
Taylor: I bought my first home! My dogs, Cricket and Ruby, helped with shopping at Lowe’s, and my boyfriend, Harrison, and I started renovating. We did some drywall work, painted and personalized a little. Christmas Day, I went to my grandparents’ house here in Chattanooga. And I rang in the New Year with friends in Atlanta. Overall, my break was low key, with a hint of manual labor.
Amanda: Christmas break was pretty laid back for me. I cuddled up with my dogs, Oliver and Gus, went to the movies, and enjoyed going after-Christmas shopping with my family.
Val: I headed to my parents’ house in Clarksville. It was my first time hosting Christmas dinner, so I learned the holiday cooking essentials: how to bake a ham and how to sip wine while stirring multiple pans. I saw the new Star Wars movie with my family and watched a lot of HGTV with my mom.
Ben: I relaxed. I finally finished a book I had been reading on and off and spent time baking with my daughter (who’s in the second grade now!). We even had fun creating a few science experiments.
Tony: Over break, I saw Rogue One for a second time. I bought an early Christmas gift for myself: a puppy named Phife. For New Year’s Eve, I drove to Gatlinburg. My girlfriend, Nicole, and her family rented a cabin there and I was able to hang out with them.
Michael: I went back to my hometown, Memphis, to see my family. My dad got a new laptop and I spent some time teaching him how to use it.
Erik: Christmas Day I was in Ohio visiting my wife, Natalie’s, family. Then we headed back to Georgia to put my new grill to use. My wife and I sharpened our culinary skills by making hamburger buns from scratch. And, of course, I saw Rogue One again.