ADA & Your Website: Why You Should Pay Attention
It’s under consideration with the Department of Justice, so now might be a good time to get a head start!
ADA compliance refers to the standards set in the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you’re unfamiliar, the goal of this piece of legislation is to improve the living conditions of those with physical or mental impairments.
Included in the ADA are the Standards for Accessible Design. These state that electronic and information technology must give all users equal access to information and functionality.
To help those working in web reach compliance, the World Wide Web Consortium published the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
To be honest, the guidelines are pretty exhaustive and exhausting. If you don’t have a law degree, you might struggle reading through them. (I know I did!) That’s why we’ve created our own checklist.
Please note that no lawyers work at Papercut, so I’m not handing out legal advice. Consult with legal counsel, if you want to make sure you’re in compliance to the fullest extent of the law.
And remember, new guidelines are released periodically, so it’s always a good idea to stay on top of your ADA compliance knowledge.