What We’re Thankful For

And we want you to know that we’re thankful for YOU! Our clients, friends, family members – all of you! Thank you for your kindness and support not just today, but everyday. Happy Thanksgiving from Papercut!


Jamie Ann: I am thankful for my health, friends and family.  Lately, I’ve been so happy with those I’m surrounded by daily. And, when I say family, I mean my work family, too! Working at Papercut has been so great this year – I’m excited to see where it goes next.

Tripp: I’m thankful for a job where I can really invest into the success and benefit of local businesses, friends and family who support me, and my pup Hick who’s always there to throw frisbee with.

Ben: An awesome wife. She is smart, loving, beautiful, and caring. For my children. The oldest is sweet and loving like her mother, always giving her dolls the best care. The youngest is a bundle of energy and always makes life fun. A great team at Papercut. Sunshine. Sunshine makes everything better.

Ellie: For new adventures. Starting at Papercut has been amazing; I’m so lucky to have found such a great team to learn and grow with. Also thankful for my fiancé, my family and friends, and most importantly Figaro, my cat.

Jenny: This year, I’m especially thankful for evenings and weekends at home with my family. All four of us have activities and causes that interest us and deserve our time. Sometimes it feels like we hardly see each other during the week. Now, when everyone is home and around the table or piled up on the couch, I appreciate it more than ever.

Michael: I’m thankful for family, friends, and cats on the Internet.

Molly: While I am in the process of recovering from my wedding, I can sincerely say that the thing I am most thankful for is the love and support of friends and family.  It was unbelievable to see the outpouring of love from the people in my life who truly care about me at my wedding and throughout the year of my engagement. I am feeling very grateful!

Taylor: My squad. I’ve got a wonderful fiancé, furbabies, family, friends and foworkers (aka – coworkers, but I wanted it to continue the alliteration) who keep me sane from day to day. Thanks, y’all – I would probably opt to stay in bed without your unrelenting support!

Jason: I’m thankful for opportunities. The older I get, the more I realize how blessed I am to have had the opportunities I’ve had. Not everybody does, which makes me appreciate all that I have been given.

Tony: This might sound simplistic and small, but I’m thankful for my sketchbook(s). There are so many ideas, doodles, frisbee plays, plans, and writings that get stored on those pages. I have several for different purposes and they all play a huge part of my work, play, and life.


With the scene set and Mrs. B’s Reggae Cafe‘s delicious food, Papercut was transported to Jamaica for Superfriendsgiving.