I Swam the Suck!

On Saturday, I participated in Swim the Suck, a 10-mile open water swim through the Tennessee …

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Celebrating 12 Years!

Today is the twelfth birthday of Papercut Interactive. Building a business is tough, and we’ve …

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Eeek! It’s the Haunted Cavern

One dark and creepy night, three brave Papercut team members decided to visit the Ruby …

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Introducing… The Nook

A few weeks ago, we reorganized the Papercut office to make room for Amanda. Computers …

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What You Should Know About Responsive Design and SEO

With Google’s (fairly) recent endorsement of responsive design as a best practice for building smartphone-optimized …

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Our Culture Keeps Getting Better

Today an article was published on Nooga.com about how the majority of the Papercut Interactive team is …

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How to Point a Domain to Your New Website

Finally! You have your new shiny website all ready to go live and it’s hosted …

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A New Sheriff’s in Town

A New Sheriff’s in Town You love Papercut’s superfriendly, organized project management. Well, it just …

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Learn a New Language – Code!

Finding superfriendly people who know how to code and love the web is one of …

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Design, gotta let it marinate.

All around us there is a sense of urgency and the need for objects, answers, …

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