Your Website Needs a Home

The basic facts: to have a website, you need a place for that site to …

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Type Foundry of the Month: Suitcase Type

In the spirit of summer travel, let’s “carry on” our series with Suitcase Type Foundry. …

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Even Google Has a (Crawl) Budget

Search engines detect content on the web by using spiders or bots to “crawl” pages …

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Do You Need an SSL?

There have been rumblings for a while now that Google is going to start giving …

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CHADev Recap: Why UX Matters to Backend Development

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking at CHADev, a lunchtime series hosted by …

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Type Foundry of the Month: Village

Hey type readers! I always look forward to chatting about typography with you each month. …

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User Experience and The Customer’s Journey

As a frontend designer and developer, I’m always thinking about meaningful, functional design. Naturally, when …

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Google’s Mobile-First Index: What You Need to Know

In November, the switch was said to be only “months away,” but Google still hasn’t …

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Position Zero on Google: A Real-Life SEO Success Story

First, Some Background Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me give you some quick …

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Type Foundry of the Month: Lineto

Wow, April seems to have flown by, and it’s time to talk about type again! …

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